Look Who Did I Bump Into!

Yesterday while heading towards a cafe with my best friends: ‘Unaccustomed Earth‘, black ink pen and journal, I met a school pal. He looked jolly the last time I saw him; I clearly remember him boasting about his degree, workplace and pay cheque. He looked like a rat to me now, the one who trades his soul in the race for a mere bunch of coins. I felt sorry, not for him, but his past good happy days. This is how I picture him — get well soon, ratties!

Also, read my related note ‘Powerless’.



Have you ever experienced being at a new height of happiness during a certain phase of your life?
And, has that certain phase been a part of the plain vanilla days you live?
Do you randomly get pangs of euphoria for no reason whatsoever?
I do.
And, I cannot see, comprehend or explain why.
But I understand it’s sheer happiness, and I savor it.
Do you? :-)


That’s how I sleep!

Now, if you thought this was going to be a feed for the perverts out there, I take efforts to apologize.
So, yeah, I’ve figured out my ‘Sleeping Position’ — it affects one’s mood & health, you see?
Lol. Kidding! I’m not even sure how is it related to Science, but it’s cool to know how do you look while you’re asleep, and doodle it, just for the record… :D
