Look Who Did I Bump Into!

Yesterday while heading towards a cafe with my best friends: ‘Unaccustomed Earth‘, black ink pen and journal, I met a school pal. He looked jolly the last time I saw him; I clearly remember him boasting about his degree, workplace and pay cheque. He looked like a rat to me now, the one who trades his soul in the race for a mere bunch of coins. I felt sorry, not for him, but his past good happy days. This is how I picture him — get well soon, ratties!

Also, read my related note ‘Powerless’.


That’s how I sleep!

Now, if you thought this was going to be a feed for the perverts out there, I take efforts to apologize.
So, yeah, I’ve figured out my ‘Sleeping Position’ — it affects one’s mood & health, you see?
Lol. Kidding! I’m not even sure how is it related to Science, but it’s cool to know how do you look while you’re asleep, and doodle it, just for the record… :D


May be…

Unwinding your voyage in time, the starting shore seems like a stranger now — the thoughts you had then & the end you versioned there, it all remains untouched.

May be, you’ve cruised off to someplace else…

‎’Never mind!’ does not help your mind (anymore). Your aspirations have gone through all the phases from cradle to grave; they have been bruised & forgotten. And now, they only swear to rekindle till you know & love them all over again.

May be, that’s the power of a wish…

Grasping the signal, you garner all the mental guts that look dusted, but, you’ve bargained to skip the ramparts now.

May be, that’s what they call being strong…

Sitting with a blank paper, you take a closer look – you don’t really see the void but, illustrations of your soul, dreams & a priceless package of experiences – YES, you see ‘em all! The page only grows on you now.

May be, it’s ready to hold a stellar story…

Draping everything you’ve had in life till the very moment, you decide to pen a new allegory wherein stands firm a melting pot of the past, present and future. You take a vow to regret less with each passing day, taste success in every li’l thing you do and embrace the ceaseless harshness that time offers to let it bloom into a passing moment.

May be, you now know that happiness is a magnet and often, just a blink away…

You mentally note a dictum – ‘If you love life, it will love you right back’ and meet a key cognizance – Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional. You turn your wounds into wisdom, look beyond the trials and quote with a glow and a smile,

“May be, when all else is lost, the future still remains…”  :)